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Feel free to doubt climate change: just don't deny it

"After months of controversy, the University of East Anglia climate unit was exonerated last week over the leaked emails affair. Science editor Robin McKie says there are lessons to be learned – but those who call themselves...

Category: Climate Change


Bolivia climate change talks to give poor a voice

"Groups on frontline of global warming head to alternative summit in city of Cochabamba"

Category: Climate Change


Flight ban could leave UK short of fruit and veg

"Air freight problems arising from ash cloud over Europe could leave supermarkets short of perishable products within days"


Obama sets Mars goal for America

"Barack Obama says it should be possible to send astronauts to orbit the planet Mars by the mid-2030s and return them safely to Earth."

Category: Space


Global warming monitoring needs to find 'missing heat', say scientists

"...climate scientists at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, say that only about half of the heat believed to have built up in the Earth in recent years can be accounted for. New instruments are...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 701 to 705 out of 2977